Hi Mumma,
My name is Jayde Deacon from Sun & Moon Doula Services, based in the mid-western region of NSW and currently training to become a pregnancy, birth and postpartum doula through the Doula Training Academy.
So, a little about me I am the mum of 3 amazing girls who are my world and definitely keep me busy. Through my experience of being pregnant and having my children, I am a strong believer that women need support in this life-changing experience. All of my pregnancies and births were completely different. My first labour was an emergency caesarean, my following two births were VBAC. My first labour was a failed induction where I was in labour for 18 hours with no progression but a regression, I was given 2 doses of the Prostaglandin gel, had my waters broken and I also received Pitocin via a drip, none of these had any effect and I had an emergency caesarean.
With my second labour, I was in early labour for 3 days, using a bath as my only form of pain relief, spending over 10 hours in the bath. I arrived at the hospital 8cm dilated and had my daughter within 2 hours and only pushing for 10 minutes. With my last birth, it all happened very quickly, I was on my way to the shower at the hospital for some pain relief when I felt my body naturally starting to eject my baby, I had her with no “pushing” and caught her while I was standing up and alone in the room.
Through my own birthing experiences, it has shown me how important it is to be knowledgeable and informed throughout pregnancy and birth so you are relaxed and know what is happening as well as knowing your choices. I also feel that having a third party who is completely about supporting you and your partner as well as giving you relevant, up-to-date information regarding your care will be a total game-changer for your own birthing experience.
Another thing I have learnt is how valuable our partners and support people are. I have a very loving, supportive partner who has taught me just how important it is to both be supported by people and also supporting others. He has also taught me the importance of learning about other cultures and respecting these differences and choices. As a doula I am not here to take your partners roll but to support them in supporting you, and to help you both feel more comfortable through the pregnancy and birth of your child. Making it a happy, memorable moment in both your lives.
Having your pregnancy and birth your way is something I feel strongly about, whether you are induced, have a caesarean, go naturally with or without pain medication or you decide to homebirth, it is something you should feel empowered and educated about, with a strong support system that you feel comfortable with. I devote my work with you to help you achieve the birth experience you want.
My promise of being your Doula is to be there for both the birthing person and your support person, I don’t just take your due date and meet up with you then, I will take the time over your pregnancy to get to know you both, to know what you both want and feel comfortable with and to help you advocate for that. I will also be there for your labour helping you both through this exciting but full-on time, then come postpartum I will still be around making sure you are settling into your new life with a new baby.
Whether this is your first child or your fifth child all births are different. So having a strong, knowledgeable tribe around you who are supportive and uplifting can make the transition smoother and easier.
I am excited to embark on this journey with you...
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